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Installation of centrifugal fan

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  • 发布时间:2022-01-11 21:40:50
1. The installation of the integral unit of centrifugal fan shall be directly placed on the foundation and leveled with pairs of inclined sizing blocks.
2. For the centrifugal fan assembled on site, the cutting surface on the base shall be properly protected from corrosion or operation. When the base is placed on the foundation, it shall be leveled with pairs of inclined sizing blocks.
3. The bearing pedestal shall be closely connected with the base, the longitudinal non levelness shall not exceed 0.2/1000, measured on the main shaft with a level gauge, and the transverse non levelness bottom shall not exceed 0.3/1000, measured on the horizontal split of the bearing pedestal with a level gauge.
4. Before grinding and scraping the bearing bush, the rotor axis line and the casing axis line shall be corrected, and the clearance between the impeller and the air inlet and the clearance between the main shaft and the shaft hole of the rear side plate of the casing shall be adjusted to make it comply with the provisions of the equipment technical documents.
5. When assembling the main shaft and bearing bush, it shall be checked according to the provisions of the equipment technical documents. An interference of 0.03 ~ 0.04 mm shall be maintained between the bearing cover and the bearing bush (measure the outer diameter of the bearing bush and the inner diameter of the bearing seat).
6. When assembling the fan casing, the position of the casing shall be aligned based on the rotor axis, the axial and radial clearance between the impeller air inlet and the casing air inlet shall be high-speed within the range specified in the equipment technical documents, and the anchor bolts shall be checked for tightness. If the clearance value is not specified in the equipment technical documents, the general axial clearance shall be 1 / 100 of the outer diameter of the impeller, and the radial clearance shall be evenly distributed, and the value shall be 1.5/1000 ~ 3 / 1000 of the outer diameter of the impeller (the smaller the outer diameter is taken as the larger). When adjusting, the clearance value shall be smaller to improve the fan efficiency.
7. During fan alignment, the different axial degrees of fan shaft and motor shaft: the radial positioning displacement shall not exceed 0.05mm, and the inclination shall not exceed 0.2/1000.
8. For the centrifugal fan equipped with rolling bearings, the different degrees of bearing holes on the two bearing frames can be subject to flexible rotation after the rotor is installed.
(selected from Baidu Encyclopedia)