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Introduction to shutdown procedure of centrifugal fan

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  • 发布时间:2022-01-11 21:41:24
1. Emergency shutdown: in case of any of the following circumstances during the trial operation of the unit, it shall be stopped immediately. The operation of emergency shutdown is to press the stop button of main motor, and then deal with the aftermath after shutdown.
a. The centrifugal fan suddenly vibrates strongly and has exceeded the trip value.
b. There is scraping or abnormal friction sound inside the body.
c. Smoke occurs at any bearing or seal, or the temperature of a bearing rises sharply to the alarm value.
d. When the oil pressure is lower than the alarm value and cannot return to normal.
e. The liquid level of the oil tank is low, and there is air suction.
f. The shaft displacement value increases significantly and reaches the alarm value.
2. Normal shutdown: normal shutdown of the unit shall be carried out according to the following procedures.
a. Gradually open the vent valve (or outlet bypass valve) and gradually close the exhaust valve.
b. Gradually close the inlet throttle valve to 20 ~ 25 °.
c. Press the stop button and pay attention to whether there is any abnormality during shutdown.
d. After the unit stops for 5 ~ 10min, or when the bearing temperature drops below 45 ℃, the oil supply can be stopped. For units with floating ring seals, the seal oil pump must continue to supply oil until the body temperature is lower than 80 ℃.
After the unit stops, turn the rotor 180 ° regularly within 2 ~ 4 hours.
(selected from Baidu Encyclopedia)