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Fault maintenance of centrifugal fan

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  • 发布时间:2022-01-11 21:41:46
The wear of the transmission part of centrifugal fan is a common equipment problem, including the wear of the bearing position of exhaust fan, bearing chamber, blower shaft and so on. For the above faults of centrifugal fan, the traditional maintenance methods include surfacing, thermal spraying, brush crossing, etc., but they all have some disadvantages: the thermal stress caused by repair welding high temperature can not be completely eliminated, which is easy to cause material damage and lead to bending or fracture of components; Brush plating is limited by the coating thickness,
Centrifugal fan
Centrifugal fan
It is easy to peel off, and the above two methods use metal to repair metal, which can not change the "hard to hard" cooperation relationship. Under the comprehensive action of various forces, it will still cause the re wear of the rubber coating roller. In view of the above problems, contemporary western countries mostly adopt the repair methods of polymer composites, and the American Fushi blue technology system is widely used. It has comprehensive properties such as super adhesion and excellent compressive strength, and can be disassembled and machined free. There is no influence of repair welding thermal stress, and the repair thickness is not limited. At the same time, the metal materials of the product do not have the concession, which can absorb the impact vibration of the equipment and avoid the possibility of re wear. It also gradually replaces the traditional methods in the domestic application of fault repair of centrifugal fans
(selected from Baidu Encyclopedia)